
February 2025. Humbled to deliver my first invited address at the International Conference on Web 6.0 and Industry 6.0 (WIn 6.0), featuring my paper, “Enhancing transparency in buyer-driven commodity chains for complex products: a blockchain-based traceability framework demonstrated through an apparel supply chain simulation.”
November 2024. Presented my paper at the 6th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing under the “Integrating Novel Technologies for Supply Chain Performance” track in Prague. Passed my PhD A exam, which formalizes my PhD candidacy, and earned an M.S. on the way!
August 2024. Grateful to have served as a Research Mentor for the inaugural Student Research Institute organized by Harvard's Undergraduate OpenBio Laboratory. Stay tuned for a link to my (high school) mentee and my project on heart failure prediction with deep learning and explainable AI, which will soon be published as a Scopus indexed book chapter.
May 2024. Excited to leverage the AWS Public Sector Cloud Credit for Research award: here's to less frugality with Amazon Bedrock!
April 2024. Attended the Cornell Blockhain Conference 2024 hosted at Cornell Tech: a super rewarding experience which included insightful panels such as one on the regulation of the crypto market with a senior policy advisor from Coinbase, and another on the expansion of NFTs at Christie's and Sotheby's with reps from both. Furthermore, there were some nice keynotes, including one from Emin Gün Sirer, Ava Labs founder (and former Cornell CS professor), with whom I also got some one-on-one to share my research and hear his thoughts!
May 2023. Grateful to receive an award for my service as a TA this semester from the Department of Computer Science at Cornell!
April 2023. Had a great time participating in Schonfeld’s inaugural PhD “datathon” in NYC, leveraging real world assets to explore quantitative finance with portfolio managers and researchers.
January 2023. Excited to TA my first CS course starting this semester, CS4414 - Systems Programming, taught by my co-advisor, Ken Birman! Happy to share that I passed my Systems PhD Qualifying Exam!
October 2022. Attended the excellent 2022 IAP Cornell Workshop on the Future of AI and Cloud Computing where cloud experts from academia (Cornell) and industry (AWS, Alibaba, JPMorgan Chase, etc.) presented their latest work. Presented my slides on Leslie Lamport's seminal distributed systems paper, “Time, Clocks and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System” (fun fact: this sits among the most often cited CS papers out there and is Lamport's most often cited work).
August 2022. Released my second app: WordDefiner - a lightweight, ad-free online dictionary. The most challenging part of building this app was parsing the complex nested JSON structures consisting of maps and lists from the Free Dictionary API (hat tip to this Medium article). Luckily, the Flutter SDK makes showcasing entities within objects of the deserialized decoded JSON response in the UI quite simple with its ListView.builder widget.
May 2022. Pleased to have Professor Ken Birman join my PhD committee as a CS minor member. Looking forward to exploring ways of boosting smartness in cities by leveraging Cascade, a performant C++ cloud application framework powered by optimized RDMA data paths, with his group.
January 2022. Thrilled to be awarded a teaching assistantship (TA) for the Spring 2022 semester! My teaching assistantship will be for Project Management - ENMGT 5900/6910 taught by Professor Robert Newman, a senior lecturer in the Engineering Management program at Cornell.
December 2021. Completed my first semester as a PhD student at Cornell. Check out my group's final project report and presentation from our Learning with Big Messy Data course. We tried to uncover the extent to which a company’s earnings call affects their next day opening stock price using 3 datasets from Kaggle and methods like Lasso and Huber for regression and gradient boosted tree ensemble for classification.
August 2021. After completing my second internship at ParallelChain Lab, I created an online research database scraper. Excited to start my PhD at Cornell University on a systems engineering departmental fellowship!
June 2021. Joined ParallelChain Lab, a blockchain-focused financial technology start-up based in Hong Kong, as a returning software engineer intern.
May 2021. Received my Bachelor of Science – BS in Computer Engineering from Syracuse University.