

Teaching Assistant for ENMGT5900/CEE6910 - Project Management/Leadership | Fall 2024
Cornell University, College of Engineering | Ithaca, NY

Research Mentor | Summer 2024
Harvard Undergraduate OpenBio Lab, (Inaugural) Student Research Institute | Remote

  • Mentored a high-school student based in Germany to conduct an original research project about applying advanced deep learning techniques and explainable AI for heart failure prediction (soon to appear as a Scopus indexed book chapter).

Teaching Assistant for ENMGT 5940 – Economics and Finance for Engineering Management | Spring 2024
Cornell University, College of Engineering | Ithaca, NY

  • About the course: Explored economic models and methods through engineering cases, focusing on analyses, comparisons, and decision-making by engineers and teams. Emphasized crucial calculations and the importance of understanding, communicating, and documenting findings, assumptions, risks, and context, while enhancing team collaboration skills. 91 students.


Teaching Assistant for ENMGT5900/CEE6910 - Project Management/Leadership | Fall 2023
Cornell University, College of Engineering | Ithaca, NY

Invitee, Schonfeld Early Engagement (SEE) Summit – PhD Track | April 2023
Schonfeld Strategic Advisors | New York, NY

  • Participated in Schonfeld’s inaugural PhD “datathon” leveraging real world assets to explore quantitative finance with portfolio managers and researchers.

Teaching Assistant for CS4414 - Systems Programming | Spring 2023
Cornell University, Department of Computer Science | Ithaca, NY

  • About the course: A mix of computer architecture, operating systems and programming abstractions, with emphasis on how to efficiently combine programs to achieve complex objectives, with guarantees of correctness. Aimed at senior undergraduate computer science students. Taught in C++/Linux. 93 students.

  • Led biweekly recitations, managed course grading, and addressed course-related queries on an online discussion forum

  • Received an award for my service as a TA from the Department of Computer Science at Cornell 🏅


Teaching Assistant for ENMGT5900/CEE6910 - Project Management/Leadership | 2022
Cornell University, College of Engineering | Ithaca, NY

  • About the course: Senior engineering undergraduate students and graduate engineering management students learn about the “technical” tools of project management (e.g., methods for planning, scheduling, and control) and the “human” side (e.g., forming a project team, managing performance, resolving conflicts). 2022 Spring: 185 students; 2022 Fall: 213 students.

  • Fostered learning of course material through in-person and virtual discussions, email responses, and participation on an online forum

  • Managed a team of 7 graders in terms of handling grading disputes, exam allocation and status tracking for over 200 students, and ensured quick assignment turnaround times for students


(Returning) Software Engineer Intern | Summer 2021
ParallelChain Lab | Hong Kong SAR

  • Implemented a multi-biometric authentication flow consisting of facial, voice, and palm recognition during user registration on iOS with React Native for ParallelWallet, a crypto wallet app based on ParallelChain, the company’s public plus private blockchain

  • Added inactivity detection to ParallelWallet to automatically sign the user out after a period of inactivity

Undergraduate Research Assistant | June 2021 - July 2021 & September 2020 - February 2021
Syracuse University (Prof. Reza Zafarani) | Syracuse, NY

  • Built a program to scrape several online databases like IEEE Xplore, ACM, and Springer and store relevant results related to fake news and misinformation from a select list of journals and conferences

  • Compiled the CCF, Core, and Qualis rankings, and publisher names of over 250 journals and conferences selected by our research group for information retrieval in the future

Academic Excellence Workshop (AEW) Facilitator | Spring 2021, Spring 2020, and Fall 2019
Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY

  • Planned and executed biweekly lectures in a one-credit workshop for a select group of undergraduates to promote mastery of concepts in Calculus 1 and Precalculus

  • Held weekly office hours for students to provide additional, one on one assistance with calculus problems


Undergraduate Research Assistant | Fall 2020
Syracuse University (Prof. Shiu-Kai Chin) | Syracuse, NY

  • Devised a set of tutorials and examples based on STPA (System-Theoretic Process Analysis): a novel approach to hazard analysis based on the STAMP (Systems-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes) causality model developed by Prof. Nancy Leveson at MIT

  • Generated the substance of a new course offering senior undergraduate and new graduate students the ability to use STPA to analyze systems

Software Engineer Intern | Summer 2020
ParallelChain Lab | Hong Kong SAR

  • Built an asset tokenization platform, incorporating REST APIs and biometric authentication, compiled natively on the iOS and Android platforms from a single codebase using the Flutter SDK

  • Documented existing RESTful APIs detailing parameters, data types, authentication, status, and providing example curl commands to the command line through extensive testing

  • Developed concurrent benchmark programs in Go to compare the performance between the open-source Aerospike and our proprietary database management system in terms of transactions per second by storing key-value pairs generated by the same script

  • Created and executed scripts along with conducting manual tests to uncover and identify bugs present on both front-end and back-end


Apprentice | March 2019
Deloitte Consultancy Apprenticeship Program | Syracuse, NY

  • Engaged in a 2-day program with a team to develop unique solutions, involving artificial intelligence and machine learning, to real-world business problems in Deloitte’s simulated case study experience cultivating strong teamwork, problem-solving and leadership skills


Founder | September 2016 - March 2017
Newcil | Bangkok, Thailand

  • Founded a social entrepreneurial venture to fund new school supplies such as stationary and notebooks with profits for a Thai children’s welfare institution

  • Partnered with a factory from Shenzhen, China, to manufacture and ship custom-designed pencils made of recycled newspapers at cost to fulfill an order for a year's worth of inventory for the International School of Bangkok

  • Awarded funding from the ISB PTA board by winning the first school-hosted “Shark Tank” event consisting of several oral presentations in front of the committee
